My name is Cat Canzonetta. Gilbert Boyas has been spreading misinformation about me for years, intended to control my actions, injure my reputation and destroy my credibility. He has done so because he knows that what I have to say about him is terrible. What he has done to me is terrible.

 Last year, I engaged an attorney to send a warning to Gilbert. But it has become clear that he will not stop his defamatory, disgusting lies about me. While making this public is wildly uncomfortable for me, I can no longer remain silent in the face of his barrage of falsehoods. I am reproducing this letter here to tell the truth about Gilbert and his abusive conduct.

 This was not an affair. There were no feelings. I never wanted to be with him romantically. There was only the abuse of power and the ongoing devastation it has caused upon many.

 This is merely an extremely brief, personal summary of seven years of someone’s life. My life. This is not salacious gossip, and I only release this statement to combat Gilbert’s intentional, malicious lies. Please respect that as you read the document.

If you have any questions, or wish to share your own experiences with Gilbert, please contact my attorney through the information on the letter.